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Modulo 1
Leccion 1- Presenting Yourself
Leccion 2- Family
Leccion 3- Traveling
Leccion 4- Ordering Food
Leccion 5- Shopping
Leccion 6- Body Parts
Leccion 7-Movies & TV
Leccion 8- Animals
Leccion 9 – Culture
Leccion 10- Exercise
Leccion 11- Hobbies
Leccion 13-Hometown
Leccion 14- Work
15- Love
Leccion 16-Household Items
Leccion 17-Time
Leccion 18-Weather
Leccion 19-Music
Leccion 20 -Numbers
Leccin 21- Politics
Leccion 22-Fears
Leccion 23-Feelings
Leccion 24-Goals
Leccion 25-Desires
Leccion26- Funny Conversations
Leccion 27-Drama
Leccion 28-Motivation
Leccion 29-Psychology
Leccion 30-Dates
Leccion 31- Resumen y pasos de accion
32 lecciones
Modulo 2
Leccion 1-Presenting Yourself
Leccion 2-Family
Leccion 3-Traveling
Leccion 4-Ordering Food
Leccion 5-Shopping
Leccion 6-Body Parts
Leccion 7-Movies & TV
Leccion 8-Animals
Leccion 9-Culture
Leccion 10-Exercice
Leccion 11-Hobbies
leccion 12-Holidays
Leccion 13-Hometown
Leccion 14-Work
Leccion 15-Love
Leccion 16-Household Items
Leccion 17-Time
Leccion 18-Weather
Leccon 19-Music
Leccion 20-Numbers
Leccion 21-Politics
Leccion 22-fears
Leccion 23-Feelings
Leccion 24-Goals
Leccion 25-Desires
Leccion 26-Funny conversations
Leccion 28-Motivation
Leccion 29-Psychology
Leccion 30-Dates
Lecion 31-Resumen y pasos de accion
31 lecciones
Modulo 3
Leccion 1-Presenting Yourself
Leccion 2-Family
Leccion 3-Traveling
Leccion 4-Ordering Food
Leccion 5-Shopping
Leccion 6-Body Parts
Leccion 7-Movies & TV
Leccion 8-Animals
Leccion 9-Culture
Leccion 10-Exercise
Leccion 11- Hobbies
Leccion 12-Holidays
Leccion 13-Hometown
Leccion 14-Work
Leccion 15-Love
Leccio 16-Household items
Leccion 17-Time
Leccion 18-Weeather
Leccion 19-Music
Leccion 20-Numbers
Leccion 21-Politics
Leccion 22-Fears
Lecccon 23-Feelings
Leccion 24-Goals
Leccion 25-Desires
Leccion 26-Funny conversation
Leccion 27-Drama
Leccion 28-Motivation
Leccion 29-Psychology
Leccion 30-Dates
Leccion 31-Resumen y pasos de accion
31 lecciones
Modulo 4
Leccion 1-Presenting Yourself
Leccion 2-Family
Leccion 3-Traveling
Leccion 4-Ordering Food
Leccion 5-Shopping
Leccion 6-Body Parts
Leccion 7-Movies & TV
Leccion 8-Animals
Leccion 9-Culture
Leccion 10-Exercise
Leccion 11-Hobbies
Leccion 12-Holidays
Leccion 13-Hometown
Leccion 14-Work
Leccion 15-Love
Leccion 16-Household Items
Leccion 17-Time
Leccion 18-Weather
Leccion 19-Music
Leccion 20-Numbers
Leccion 21-Politics
Leccion 22-Fears
Leccion 23-Feelings
Leccion 24-Goals
Leccion 25-Desires
Leccion 26-Funny conversations
Leccion 27-Drama
Leccion 28-Motivation
Leccion 29-Psychology
Leccion 30-Dates
Leccion 31-Resumen y pasos de acción
31 lecciones
Modulo 5
Leccion 1-Introducing – The “Ocean” Method!
Leccion 2-Sentence Mining: How to expand your vocabulary at record speed!
Leccion 3-Introducing: Kale’s Awesome Classes!
Leccion 4-Basic Present Tense (Class 1)
Leccion 5-Basic Present Tense – Negative (Class 2)
Leccion 6-Basic Present Tense – Questions (Class 3)
Leccion 7-The Famous Verb TO BE (Class 4)
Leccion 8-Have & Have got! (Class 5)
Leccion 9-Have & Have got – Negative (Class 6)
Leccion 10-Have & Have got – Questions (Class 7)
Leccion 11-How to learn irregular verbs (the easy way)!
Leccion 12-Basic Simple Past Tense (Class 8)
Leccion 13-Verb TO BE – Past tense! (Class 9)
Leccion 14-The Present Perfect Tense – The most complicated grammar tense! (Class 10)
Leccion 15-More ADVANCED Present Perfect (Class 11)
Leccion 16-The Future Tense – The easiest grammar! (Class 12)
Leccion 17-The super important verb “COULD” (Class 13)
Leccion 18-The super important verb “SHOULD” (Class 14)
Leccion 19-The super important verb “WOULD” (Class 15)
Leccion 20-The super important verb “MAY” (Class 16)
Leccion 21-The common verbs MIGHT, MUST, SHALL and OUGHT TO (Class 17)
Leccion 23-There was VS There were (Class 19)
Leccion 24-There has/have been VS There had been (Class 20)
Leccion 25-There will/won’t/may/might be (Class 21)
Leccion 26-I vs ME. HE vs HIM. WE vs US. THEY vs THEM. (Class 22)
Leccion 27-MY vs MINE. YOUR vs YOURS. HIS vs HIS. HER vs HERS. IT vs ITS. OUR vs OURS. THEIR vs THEIRS. (Class 23)
Leccion 28-Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, yourselves, ourselves, themselves, oneself (Class 24)
Leccion 29-This, These, That, Those (Class 25)
Leccion 30-How to learn A LOT of English (with just 10 minutes per day)
Leccion 31-The super common word – ALL (Class 26)
Leccion 32-The super common word – EVERY (Class 27)
Leccion 33-The super common word – SOME (Class 28)
Leccion 34-The super common word – ANY (Class 29)
Leccion 35-The Famous Verb GET (Class 30)
Leccion 36-Resumen y pasos de acción
Leccion 22-There is VS There are (Class 18))
36 lecciones
Modulo 6
Leccion 1-Swimming in the ocean (without floaties)!
Leccion 2-Monolingual Sentence Mining: Start THINKING in English!
Leccion 3-Introducing: Kale’s Pronunciation Classes!
Leccion 4-“Th” as in Thought (Pronunciation Class 1)
Leccion 5-The ə and ʌ sounds (Pronunciation Class 2)
Leccion 6-“Th” as in They (Pronunciation Class 3)
Leccion 7-The ɑ and ɔ sounds (Pronunciation Class 4)
Leccion 8-The æ and e sounds (Pronunciation Class 5)
Leccion 9-The ɪ and i sounds (Pronunciation Class 6)
Leccion 10-The u and ʊ sounds (Pronunciation Class 7)
Leccion 11-The famous R sound! (Pronunciation Class 8)
Leccion 12-The p and b sounds (Pronunciation Class 9)
Leccion 13-The aɪ and eɪ sounds (Pronunciation Class 10)
Leccion 14-The RAIO End Goal!
Leccion 15-The oʊ and aʊ sounds (Pronunciation Class 11)
Leccion 16-The ɔɪ and juː sounds (Pronunciation Class 12)
Leccion 17-The T and D sounds (Pronunciation Class 13)
Leccion 18-The K and G sounds (Pronunciation Class 14)
Leccion 19-The F and V sounds (Pronunciation Class 15)
Leccion 20-The S and Z sounds (Pronunciation Class 16)
Leccion 21-The ʃ and ʒ sounds (Pronunciation Class 17)
Leccion 22-The tʃ and dʒ sounds (Pronunciation Class 18)
Leccion 23-Resumen y pasos de acción
23 lecciones
Modulo 6
Leccion 8-The æ and e sounds (Pronunciation Class 5)
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